Deciding you want to start your own business giving guidance to others is a weird thing. When you decide to start an advice blog using your very own real life examples is even weirder. Honestly, if anyone would have told me in my decades of life that I would be managing an advice blog I would have laughed directly in your face.
Yet, here I sit, years of therapy with a licensed EMDR therapist complete, a stack of self help books lining my shelves and my iPad. I am sharing my own tidbits of wisdom with the next generation so they can navigate the choppy waters of their own adult journey. I am generating action plans that help others break generational curses they finally realized were there. And I am doing it all as the full authentic version of myself. Now, fair warning, when I say tidbits of wisdom please believe I have no secrets of the Dalai Lama that I have been keeping in my back pocket for a rainy day. This is tried and true, learned it cuz I lived it, raw logical wisdom. The kind of wisdom where you understand the difference between logic and wisdom.
Essentially, that is what being unconventionally savvy is about! Learning how to be the best version of you by living the life you have. That means finding balance. You are going to hear that A LOT this year… #balance (I just made it my 2024 word of the year). Balance is seeing the logic of a situation at any given time and then using your storage bank full of wisdom to guide you to the best outcome rather than charging in head first as an emotionally driven pile of goo.
Balance is what makes us unconventionally savvy.
Real life example:
At some point in each and every one of our lives, someone tried to prevent us from doing something in order to protect us. Let’s say little you tried to climb on the counter to get a snack you weren’t supposed to have. Adult in the room tells you to stop because the stove top is hot and you will burn yourself. You just know that said adult doesn’t know what they are talking about (because your emotional goo really wants that snack). So being smart little you, you attempt to climb up on the counter touching the stovetop maybe intentionally / maybe not and burn your hand.
What happened here? You just unconventionally gained some practical knowledge about hot stoves. That is a life lesson straight into the memory bank. Not because a grown up told you so, but because you lived it. You may have a battle wound to prove it. You may even pause for a second the next time that same adult tries to tell you something and think maybe they aren’t completely useless, but that is a lesson for another day.
This is all my long winded way of asking you to join us. Check in with us weekly. Send questions and comments. We love interaction!! There is going to be a lot of cursing, a bunch of sarcasm, a handful of laughs, and maybe even some tears - because #balance…. But in the end you just might learn something. Your next AHA moment will come to you when you least expect it - maybe even while you are reliving the experience of burning your hand on the stovetop.
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